Excellence in STEM

The Excellence & Equity [xe] project is designed to support Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander study & career opportunities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics [STEM].
The Excellence and Equity in Mathematics [xe] project included seven interrelated strategies:
- a national audit and review of current professional practices, mathematical teaching resources and university outreach programs in science and mathematics;
- design and implementation of a series of school pilot projects and university case studies;
- consultation with students, educators, academic staff, mathematics curriculum experts, Indigenous teachers and other stakeholders in the design, delivery and evaluation of the project;
- publication of project findings and effective digital learning resources with an Indigenous focus to a national web portal;
- presentation of project findings and resources to a range of forums for Indigenous student events, and professional learning events for teachers and academics;
- data collection to measure the success of the project against AMSPP program objectives and project objectives, and
- liaise with the Office of the Chief Scientist and engage with other projects under AMSPP.
Excellence & Equity in Maths website »
Conference Presentation
- Role: Project Manager
- Client: Australian Government Department of Education
- Partners: UniSA, Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers
- Budget: $783,000
- Duration: 2014-2017